Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pukistan...where goeth thee?

Allaha,Army& America...the three A's on whom depends the destiny of Pukistan.Well now we know its certainly not in that order.General Musharaf has buckled,and it certainly wasn't the Army or Allaha who told him to start behaving.
But where is this whole crisis going?let me quote from a recent article from Time
Can Pakistan's Military Be Trusted?
Friday, Nov. 09, 2007 By ROBERT BAER
With more than a little irony, even the Iranians are worried. "Pakistan is not a country, Pakistan is an army," an Iranian close to the regime in Tehran recently complained to me. "And it's an army you can't count on."

The truth is Pakistan is an artificial country, its borders drawn by British colonial administrators in a fit of expediency, its people hopelessly divided along ethnic lines. None of it mattered, democracy or not, as long as the generals stood shoulder to shoulder and held off disintegration and chaos — kept the nukes safe, out of the hands of radicals. Let's hope the generals aren't having second thoughts.
Spine chilling isn't it?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Who is been let fight against terror!

Emergency to fight the terrorists,says the General ruling Pukistan.but who is being arrested? Lawyers,HR activists,party muggs.Who is being let off?Well here's a list:
1. Mullah Obaidullah Akhund—defence minister in Taliban regime
2.Mullah Akhtar (Major Taliban terrorists0
3.Mohammad Osmani
But then the exchange was to free 200 Pukis "faujis" who surrendered to the thugs without a fight.Gen.must save his men first.His army does have this un blemished surrender statistic to defend.
For All the yap about fighting terror,the only terror Mush is fighting is that of the Black coats and feudal politicians..and ho,American sanctions......
i can quote the IHT reporter here
"For now, the people of Pakistan will have to take any comfort they can from knowing that Musharraf is protecting them from lawyers and human rights activists." Lol

Even America Losing Patience!

Rethinking in Washington

THE influential chairman of the US Senate’s foreign relations committee, Senator Joseph Biden, has joined the State Department and the White House in focusing attention on post-emergency rule events in Pakistan. The senator has spoken eloquently on the need for the US to strengthen democracy in a country where, with the benefit of hindsight, an increasing number of Pakistanis see the US with scepticism and suspicion. He has recommended up to $1.5bn per annum over a decade in additional aid to Islamabad aimed at developing the social sector. The resolve to make these allocations accountable so that funds are not diverted to military use comes built into the proposed formula.

Senator Biden believes that his proposals will help eschew the negative image in the public mind of a US seen eager to do business with autocratic rulers in the past, and thereby showing disregard for democratic aspirations of a vast majority of moderate Pakistanis. Here is a Muslim state armed with nuclear weapons where extremism of the Taliban-Al Qaeda variety is growing, and which is being run by an unpopular, if liberal, ruling clique that oscillates between autocratic and quasi-democratic rule: the recipe, in the senator’s words, for a ‘failed state’. To avoid that fate, Mr Biden has pressed on the US administration the need to have a proactive people-centred policy, as opposed to a policy ‘concentrated on one man’. He also hit the nail on the head when he termed his country’s Islamabad policy as ‘transactional’, whereby Pakistan is paid for delivering certain ‘services’ when so required. He recommended that the US opt for a longer-term engagement with Islamabad.

The belated realisation finally coming home to the Americans, nonetheless, is welcome. But words will have to be matched with action on the ground. The unfolding events in Pakistan since the imposition of emergency rule, the crackdown on civil society and political parties having a mass appeal, the strangulation of an independent judiciary and media, all are factors that will put the reviewed American resolve to test with the people of this country. Since 9/11 there has been little scarcity felt of the funds coming to Pakistan because of the ‘transactional’ nature of the US policy on its global ‘war on terrorism’ and the fulfilment of its objectives through Pakistan. What the country needs is institutional infrastructure with a capacity to spend such funds to the benefit of the people, and with some accountability. Also needed is a strong political will in the rulers in Islamabad to improve the social sectors. This has been lacking because of the autocratic nature of governance which many believe owes its perpetuation to American acquiescence. Unless practical steps are taken to implement its reformed policy prerogatives and results are seen to be delivering by the people of Pakistan, Washington’s Islamabad dilemma will continue.

What Pakis really really think about India

I keep hearing this from some of my friends that the pakistani govt might hate us but the people don't.So I thought why not gather some comments by the citizens and show them that the enemy is not the Govt of Porkistan but the entire nation I have taken comments from public sites and forums

Munir02-12-2006, 11:22 AM
Let us not move into aggressor or freedomfighter... India should give the people of Kashmir the right to vote (democracy) and we will see what will happen. As long as Indians put 500.000 troops to defend against a smaller Pakistan or Kashimiri "terrorists" all I can conclude is that Indians are occupying and manipulating. It has been more then a few times that Indian soldiers shot civilians and painted them as terrorists just to get medals or pr... With new technology and Kashmiri able to express it is a matter of time before India will return to the real border.

69DeadlyDevil69 (9 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply)
hahahaha bhindoos have nothing better to do then make TATA trucks, hahahaha Pakistan can make a truck better than this. u hindoos don't know Pakistan yet. again, save ur latest tech. weapons and manpower for fighting pakistan, stupid Indians are going down

Kamran86 (1 year ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply)
indians are growing day by day i know thats the fact and america fears from that i am accepting but u should accept my facts as well.on kargil mujahidin u called a terroist because according to u alot if some one is fighting for his own country or rights is terroist in your sight.they carry they bombs with their body and went into the indians camps can indian army do this not they can,t ask indians army how they are fear from kashmiri mujahidin.ask anyone.
Kamran86 (1 year ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply)
indians are growing day by day i know thats the fact and america fears from that i am accepting but u should accept my facts as well.on kargil mujahidin u called a terroist because according to u alot if some one is fighting for his own country or rights is terroist in your sight.they carry they bombs with their body and went into the indians camps can indian army do this not they can ,t
emperor0989 (1 year ago) Show Hide Marked as spam

Here's a Opinion from Pakistani Newspaper:see how they think!!
Talks lack substance

nhmosman121 (9 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply)
indians are so invincible....a joke..

read about Mehmed Ghazni, Ghauri, Babur, Timurlane...
the CENTRAL ASIAN TURKS kicked your asses for 700 years..

Emergency document:the general captures a country..his own

Whereas there is visible ascendancy in the activities of extremists and incidents of terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings, IED [improvised explosive device] explosions, rocket firing and bomb explosions and the banding together of some militant groups have taken such activities to an unprecedented level of violent intensity posing a grave threat to the life and property of the citizens of Pakistan;

Whereas there has also been a spate of attacks on state infrastructure and on law enforcement agencies;

Whereas some members of the judiciary are working at cross purposes with the executive and legislature in the fight against terrorism and extremism thereby weakening the government and the nation's resolve diluting the efficacy of its actions to control this menace;

Whereas there has been increasing interference by some members of the judiciary in government policy, adversely affecting economic growth, in particular;

Whereas constant interference in executive functions, including but not limited to the control of terrorist activity, economic policy, price controls, downsizing of corporations and urban planning, has weakened the writ of the government; the police force has been completely demoralised and is fast losing its efficacy to fight terrorism and intelligence agencies have been thwarted in their activities and prevented from pursuing terrorists;

Whereas some hard core militants, extremists, terrorists and suicide bombers, who were arrested and being investigated were ordered to be released. The persons so released have subsequently been involved in heinous terrorist activities, resulting in loss of human life and property. Militants across the country have, thus, been encouraged while law enforcement agencies subdued;

Whereas some judges by overstepping the limits of judicial authority have taken over the executive and legislative functions;

Whereas the government is committed to the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law and holds the superior judiciary in high esteem, it is nonetheless of paramount importance that the honourable judges confine the scope of their activity to the judicial function and not assume charge of administration;

Whereas an important constitutional institution, the Supreme Judicial Council, has been made entirely irrelevant and non est by a recent order and judges have, thus, made themselves immune from inquiry into their conduct and put themselves beyond accountability;

Whereas the humiliating treatment meted out to government officials by some members of the judiciary on a routine basis during court proceedings has demoralised the civil bureaucracy and senior government functionaries, to avoid being harassed, prefer inaction;

Whereas the law and order situation in the country as well as the economy have been adversely affected and trichotomy of powers eroded;

Whereas a situation has thus arisen where the government of the country cannot be carried on in accordance with the constitution and as the constitution provides no solution for this situation, there is no way out except through emergent and extraordinary measures;

And whereas the situation has been reviewed in meetings with the prime minister, governors of all four provinces and with the chairman joint chiefs of staff committee, chiefs of the armed forces, vice chief of army staff and corps commanders of the Pakistan army;

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the deliberations and decisions of the said meetings, I General Pervez Musharraf, Chief of Army Staff, proclaim emergency throughout Pakistan.

I hereby order and proclaim that the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan shall remain in abeyance.

This proclamation shall come into force at once

Pakistani troops continue Tradition of surrender

Pak militants parade 48 'captured soldiers'
Bangladesh Daily Star - 11/3/2007
Militants loyal to a pro-Taliban cleric in northwest Pakistan paraded 48 people they said were captured paramilitary soldiers in front of the media yesterday. Television crews were allowed to videotape conversations with the detainees in the troubled Swat Valley tourist area, where rebels have been

Pakistani militants parade captured soldiers in humiliating display for Musharraf
Boston Globe - 11/3/2007

SWAT, Pakistan - Islamic militants yesterday paraded 48 men described as government troops who surrendered during fighting, an embarrassment to President Pervez Musharraf as he struggles to regain control of a mountainous region from Taliban and Al Qaeda-linked extremists.Admiral William Fallon, the

Militants kidnap another 100 Pakistani soldiers
Kuwait News Agency - 11/3/2007

ISLAMABAD, Nov 3 (KUNA) -- Militants in Pakistan's northern Sawat district claimed Saturday the kidnapping another 100 soldiers, just one day after 63 were released, but this was not officially confirmed.

Emergency in Pukistan

The emergency in Pukistan is nothing less than martial law.but what is not surprising is the lack of public protests on large scale.The Puki public has by and large become used to medivial type of rulers.They have not yet become mature in the civilised sense other civilised nations have to demand democracy.The guiding lights of the Pukis nation were never democreats .Jin the Dolt was a megnomaniac who only wanted blood ,gore and power.His people have grown used to these type of rulers.In India we can just hope that the Pukis slowly disintigertae into Afghanistan like situation.That would be a just dessert for three generation of bad neghibourly behaviour.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Emergency Pukistan

Wow! a candid General,blaming everyone but himself for the state of Pukistan.A General whose troops repeatedly surrender to Jihadists..Someone who broke his oath as a soldier to serve teh nations elected goverment.Pukistan and its evil dictators and citizens are and will continuosly pay for the crimes and the pain they have caused to neighbours.Such a country ,existing is a headache to this civilised planet.Please General,stop the hogwash!!!! please stop behaving like an ostrich!!!we know what you have been upto for years...and what your country has been upto.You have been the chief architect of this situation for Pukistans impossibbly horrible situation.And you and your brothers in khaki are the criminals this world no more..please leave

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Karachi Blasts

The horrific attack in Karachi this week shook south Asia like few events do.A ex-PM attacked on her arrival in one of the countries largest cities.130+dead!Sometimes I do believe there is justice somewhere in this world.
The citizens of Karachi & Pakistan used to donate money to jihadis who were causing mayhem in neighbourhood,from Afghanistan to India.The Mumbai bomb blasts ,insurgencies in India,multiple terror attacks and the tragedy of Afghanistan were scripted in Pakistan not so long ago and today the chickens are coming home to roost.The old saying about "those who dig holes for others fall in them itself" seems so true.Maybe,just maybe Pakistan is starting to pay for years of bad neighbour behaviour.The same Pakistanis who used to donate money at mosques to kill Indian soldiers have to face the humiliation of seeing 200 plus of their troops surrendering without fight to Jihadis.Well that's the Pakistani army's enduring tradition ,remember 90000 surrenders in 1971 and the fast withdrawal from Kargil?Maybe if the officers concentrated on their professional duties instead of behind the curtain politics!
All that i can say is we Indians learnt from our behaviour in Sri lanka.Hope the Pakistanis finally learn something otherwise I see more retributions....But as Indians we can take heart in the fact that even if our politically sundered Intelligence agencies are incapable of paying back the Pakistanis are adept at self goals so all we need to do is grit our teeth and fight it out with terrorists and the sponsors will get their just desserts.