Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Karachi Blasts

The horrific attack in Karachi this week shook south Asia like few events do.A ex-PM attacked on her arrival in one of the countries largest cities.130+dead!Sometimes I do believe there is justice somewhere in this world.
The citizens of Karachi & Pakistan used to donate money to jihadis who were causing mayhem in neighbourhood,from Afghanistan to India.The Mumbai bomb blasts ,insurgencies in India,multiple terror attacks and the tragedy of Afghanistan were scripted in Pakistan not so long ago and today the chickens are coming home to roost.The old saying about "those who dig holes for others fall in them itself" seems so true.Maybe,just maybe Pakistan is starting to pay for years of bad neighbour behaviour.The same Pakistanis who used to donate money at mosques to kill Indian soldiers have to face the humiliation of seeing 200 plus of their troops surrendering without fight to Jihadis.Well that's the Pakistani army's enduring tradition ,remember 90000 surrenders in 1971 and the fast withdrawal from Kargil?Maybe if the officers concentrated on their professional duties instead of behind the curtain politics!
All that i can say is we Indians learnt from our behaviour in Sri lanka.Hope the Pakistanis finally learn something otherwise I see more retributions....But as Indians we can take heart in the fact that even if our politically sundered Intelligence agencies are incapable of paying back the Pakistanis are adept at self goals so all we need to do is grit our teeth and fight it out with terrorists and the sponsors will get their just desserts.

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